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The Various Buildings in KMLA

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comment 0 view 7,287 작성일 22-10-31 13:16


Korean Minjok Leadership Academy, KMLA in short, is one of largest high schools in Korea in terms of land mass, with over 1 million square meters of ground within its boundaries. Within that space are many buildings, halls and facilities used for different purposes. In this article, I would like to introduce the 5 most notable buildings in KMLA.


At 6am sharp every weekday morning, the wake-up call echoes across all rooms in Dukgo Hall, or main student dormitory (tall building in the top right corner of the picture above). As one might expect, students eat, sleep, study, bathe, and wash their clothes in Dukgo Hall.


The first 10 floors of Dukgo are home to KMLA’s 450 students, with about 8-10 rooms on each floor. Many of these floors also contain a communal classroom which students use for club meetings, studying and other gatherings. The entire 11th floor is a dedicated quiet study hall, open to all students during evening self-study periods. On the 12th floor is the cafeteria, used not just for meals but also as a gathering place for students to talk, meet, work on group projects, even as a place for studying for those who don’t mind the chatter going on around them.


Just outside of Dukgo Hall are the English Center and Cultural Center. The English Center houses all courses in English that KMLA offers. While the Cultural Center, following the style and architecture of Hanok (Korean traditional design), is home to courses in Korean and traditional music. The beauty of the Cultural Center makes it one of the most popular places on campus for strolls, meditation or just taking in the fresh air.


Dasan and Chungmoo Halls (the nearly identical buildings in the picture above) are home to all STEM, Social Science and Humanities courses. These buildings make KMLA instantly recognizable to most everyone in Korea. Each is named in honor of famous Koreans in history who dedicated themselves to the nation.


KMLA has many other facilities, including the traditional archery range (lower right corner in picture above), natural turf soccer field, track, outdoor basketball and tennis courts, a baseball field, golf range, futsal field, gym, two auxiliary dormitories and multiple apartment buildings for teachers who reside on campus.


26th Waver

Chanwoo Hwang (A)


800 Bongwha-ro, Anheung-myeon, Hoengseong-gun, Gangwon-do 25268, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82-33-343-1115  /  Fax: +82-33-342-8660

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