School Meals and Honjeong Bread
페이지 정보

Aside from the monthly Chicken Day dinner, when orders are placed with famous Korean chains and everyone dines with flat mates in their dorm rooms, KMLA students are prohibited from eating meals prepared outside the school. This regulation may sound harsh but students understand it’s meant to ensure their health and safety from potential food poisoning.
So it goes without saying that students depend on the nutritionist and kitchen staff for virtually every meal. Fortunately, they never disappoint, preparing breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks both delicious and healthy. And the staff work extra hard during exam periods, preparing amazing dishes to keep students in good spirts.
Compared to other high schools, KMLA is unique in that all meals are arranged buffet style, meaning students can take as much food as they want. So they never leave the cafeteria feeling hungry. But just as important to KMLA as hearty meals is not wasting food, for students to take responsibility for everything on their plate. So students from the Department of School Environment and the Department of Food Management monitor the cafeteria during mealtimes to ensure students finish every bite.
The cafeteria staff often surprise students with special drinks like dolgona or apple mango lattes and special treats. Even better is the Honjeong Bread, prepared every morning from scratch. The bakery staff have more than 30 Honjeong recipes, so something different is prepared every day of the month (aside from Sundays and holidays as everyone deserves some rest).
Honjeong Bread earned its special name because students receive it after evening Honjeong meetings with the dorm parents. Milk is also provided, but Thursday’s are special because that’s when chocolate or banana milk are served.
The delicious meals and vibrant tastes of Honjeong Bread bring immense happiness to KMLA students. So much so it wouldn’t be an exaggeration say that virtually every student lives for school meals! The nutritionist and cafeteria staff take great pride in their work and enjoy seeing the students happy. They even encourage students to suggest new menu items, like the recently introduced Malatang, a yummy, spicy Chinese soup.
26th waver,
Minso Kim
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