Gangwon Sports Festival and KMLA
페이지 정보

KMLA students passionately participate in sports, just like students everywhere. Among the sports offered at KMLA are soccer, baseball, basketball, swimming, volleyball, fencing, lacrosse, and many more. While the time required for weekly practice varies by sport, every student agrees that their chosen sport (or sports) helps them relieve stress and provides a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie.
Because KMLA is located in Gangwon province (home to the 2018 Winter Olympics!), students also get to participate in the annual Gangwon Sports Festival which is open to all schools in the region. While the event was cancelled because of COVID-19 in 2020 and 2021, its return in 2022 brought cheers among the student body.
In fact, so eager were students to participate this year that they worked closely with the school administration to push back final exams by a week (the original dates overlapped with the festival). Thankfully, the school approved the request. But this created another challenge. Students would have to balance their time preparing for the festival with the need to put in study time for exams.
Needless to say, they did exactly that. And had a great time meeting and competing with students from other schools in the 2022 Gangwon Sports Festival.
26th waver,
Hokwon Yoo
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