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Small Class Sizes

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comment 0 view 8,971 작성일 22-05-09 14:58


In terms of academics, KMLA is unique among Korean high schools in many ways. One such difference is that numerous in-depth courses are offered in the school. Not only do these classes delve into subjects at a level far more advanced than general education courses common at other high schools, they also contain a small number of students, which enables each to deeply explore their academic passions and interests. While a 5 student minimum is the general rule to open a course a KMLA, many teachers are happy to open courses for just 3 or 4 students. I have taken many subjects with a small number of students and would like to share the advantages I experienced and observed.

Perhaps the greatest advantage is that teachers can concentrate more on each student. Although most classes in KMLA have fewer than 25 students, it can be challenging for teachers to meet the specific needs of each student when many are enrolled. Some students may find it difficult to keep up, while others may easily grasp the materials and wish to study at a more accelerated pace. So the small sized courses offered at KMLA enable teachers to meet the needs of each student. For example, there are only 6 students in the grade 3 Chinese course I am currently taking. When studying a foreign language, it is important to get as much practice speaking, reading and writing as possible to improve one’s skills. And every student gets exactly that. The teacher is also able to get a better sense of exactly how each student is doing, and can provide deeper explanations to those in need. Another example is my Calculus class which has 7 students. The teacher makes it a point to work with every student individually based on their abilities. This has been especially helpful to struggling students who appreciate the teacher’s dedication to helping them. For students who easily master the materials, the teacher provides more challenging questions and problem sets to keep them motivated.

The second advantage of small class sizes at KMLA is that deep and passionate discussions can take place, which is very hard when there are many students enrolled. Because the opportunity to share and exchange ideas is so great, teachers often tailor their courses spontaneously based on their students’ curiosity and interests. For example, last semester I enrolled in AP Comparative Government with three other students, pictured above. Since we were all were enthusiastic about political science, many in-depth discussions were held when learning about the major countries covered. I felt my knowledge of politics definitely increasing through the many in-depth discussions on cleavages, identity politics, party solidarity, and so on.

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