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Matching Rooms in KMLA

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comment 0 view 8,776 작성일 22-05-09 14:51


KMLA dorm rooms are arranged in a special way. Every room containing grade 1 students is directly across from one composed of grade 2 students. Each set of rooms that face each other is called one’s Matching Room, where upperclassmen play a vital role in helping newly admitted students.

When grade 1 students first arrive on campus, they are given time to unpack their belongings and introduce themselves to their roommates and housemates. Later that evening, Matching Night is held, where the students in each Matching Room do a meet and greet. In addition to making grade 1 students feel comfortable in their new home, grade 2 students teach them about life in the dorm. Basic things like using the elevator, where the study halls are located, where the dorm parents’ office is, where the exterior trash bins are located and how to recycle. But also more important things like the Facebook groups used by KMLA students to stay informed of important news, and how to perform the evening Honjeong ritual.

It goes without saying that Matching Night means a great deal, even for grade 2 students. Not only are they excited to welcome the new students, but they enjoy meeting them, chatting with them and letting them know that they will always be there when they have a question or concern. This not only brings the students closer, but also creates lasting friendships. Students from both rooms often visit and play with one another, attend school events together, dine together and much more. So Matching Night and Matching Rooms are the start of a bond that becomes very special.

26th waver,
Minso Kim
800 Bongwha-ro, Anheung-myeon, Hoengseong-gun, Gangwon-do 25268, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82-33-343-1115  /  Fax: +82-33-342-8660

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