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Living with COVID at KMLA

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comment 0 view 8,829 작성일 22-05-09 14:50


It has been two years and two months since COVID first began to impact our lives.

KMLA students often say, "If it wasn't for COVID, we could have done so much more." The Vision Trip, a ten-day excursion to America to experience its culture, visit US colleges and speak with KMLA alumni, was canceled for two successive years. Class and club BBQ’s, one of the most enjoyable activities for students and teachers, were prohibited. Instead of being able to return home every other week, students were allowed to go once or twice per semester. For those who needed to return home for an emergency, KMLA required a period of intensive observation and management upon returning to campus:  a weeklong restriction from many activities, not being able to use shared lecture rooms, no dining with peers in the cafeteria, to name just a few.

KMLA’s COVID prevention policies kept the virus from entering the school for two years. So life on campus was in many ways similar to before the pandemic. But then this past February, the Omicron wave hit Korea, including KMLA. While the school rigorously followed the constantly evolving government guidelines, fear and confusion filled the community when the first positive cases came out. Classes became challenging with students attending in-person and through Zoom.

By the time April arrived, and the government’s guidelines became clear, a sense of normalcy returned. Some students continue to test positive, but KMLA has learned to live with COVID, while doing our best to maintain mitigation policies, including mask-wearing, frequent ventilation and sanitizing, eating meals without talking, twice-weekly testing, and so forth.

As we adapt to COVID, manuals and guidelines have been drawn up within KMLA. And while no current KMLA student has known life without the virus, we hope future students will enjoy a COVID free life, that these manuals can simply be stored away.

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Hokwon Yoo
800 Bongwha-ro, Anheung-myeon, Hoengseong-gun, Gangwon-do 25268, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82-33-343-1115  /  Fax: +82-33-342-8660

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