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Exam Period at KMLA

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comment 0 view 9,628 작성일 21-10-26 14:56


As in all schools, KMLA exam periods are full of tension and anxiety. Students can find it challenging to recollect the materials covered in their many courses. And everyone feels the pressure of doing their very best. But while there are similarities with other high schools, there are also many differences at KMLA.

One is the importance of paying close attention to what happens in the classroom. Textbooks are important, but points covered during lectures, discussions and other class activities are in many ways more important. As such, KMLA students do their utmost to take notes, pay close attention, and fully understand everything taking place in their courses. Whenever something is unclear, they raise their hand for clarification; KMLA students are known for asking many questions in class.

In addition, KMLA teachers maintain office hours throughout the semester, where students can visit if they require further explanation, have last minute questions, or wish to explore concepts, ideas, issues, or formulas to gain a deeper understanding. Visiting teachers during office hours is extremely popular among students. And teachers appreciate students for their eagerness to learn and make the most of their courses.

Because KMLA students have their own unique schedule based on the courses they selected during enrollment period, every student will have at least one free period in the week, which makes visiting teachers easier. Students also use their free periods by taking advantage of the lobbies of Chungmoo and Dasan, along with other areas and study halls to prepare for exams.

During the evenings, KMLA students have many dormitory options to choose from in studying for exams. Those wishing to prepare with others for a specific subject can be seen on the 12th floor cafeteria. It’s a common site to see up to 8 students at one table, all working together ensure everyone understands everything covered in class. Combined with tables full of students doing the same for other courses, the noise level in the cafeteria becomes quite high. But everyone gets used to it. So much so that even students providing one-on-one tutoring through the Minjok Peer Tutoring (MPT) system have no problem helping peers in the cacophony.

Some students actually prefer the 12th floor noise level to the quiet areas in the rest of the dorm. It’s a common site to see students reviewing class notes on their own or personally drilling themselves while strolling back and forth in the cafeteria. As many teachers live on campus, they often visit the cafeteria in the evening to answer questions. And while KMLA has a lights out policy of 12am, during exam periods the cafeteria lights stay on until 2am for students.

Students can also make use of the 11th floor study hall, where the mood is completely different from that of the 12th floor cafeteria. Because the 11th floor is a quiet hall, meaning no talking is allowed. The hall seats about 200 students with every chair and table occupied during exam periods. Seniors can also use a separate room on the 11th floor with their own dedicated desks.

KMLA students can also opt to prepare for exams in their dorm room using the large desks provided to everyone on campus.

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800 Bongwha-ro, Anheung-myeon, Hoengseong-gun, Gangwon-do 25268, Republic of Korea
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