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KMLA on Instagram

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comment 0 view 10,948 작성일 21-10-26 14:54


In 2021, KMLA created an official Instagram account. This was a big leap because the school traditionally had not made active use of social media. The student club KMLASNS (KMLA Social Network Service) was created to manage the account. Each week, they upload a post that introduces something about KMLA, including with it photos, drawings and captions in Korean and English.

So far, the post most liked is the one introducing the official school uniform. That a uniform could be so popular might sound unusual. But KMLA is special because students (and teachers) wear the hanbok, Korean traditional clothing. Another popular post highlighted evening stargazing, where students made their way the dormitory roof to take in the amazing night sky. Because KMLA is located in mountainous Hoengseong, there is far less light pollution, making it possible to even see the Milky Way.

KMLA’s Instagram account currently has about 1k followers and the number is increasing every day. Be sure to check it out at https://www.instagram.com/kmla_official/ and click on your favorite posts.

The students are quite enthusiastic about managing the account. KMLA alumni love it because it brings back wonderful memories and keeps them connected to the school. And current students always look forward to each fun new post.

25th waver,
Minju Koo
800 Bongwha-ro, Anheung-myeon, Hoengseong-gun, Gangwon-do 25268, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82-33-343-1115  /  Fax: +82-33-342-8660

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