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Stargazing at KMLA

페이지 정보

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comment 0 view 9,828 작성일 21-07-14 19:13


One of the most amazing things about being situated in mountainous Gangwon is that light pollution is greatly minimized compared to Korea’s bustling cities. So on clear nights (which is pretty much every night), the opportunity to head to the roof of the 12 floor dormitory provides an unforgettable experience.

With the help of members from Apple Pie, the school astronomy club, students can see and learn about the Big Dipper and Litter Dipper through open-observation time.  While both are cool, even more amazing is that Apple Pie members aim their telescopes at Mars and Saturn, where even the planet’s rings are visible! The visual experience is awesome for students, who also field many questions to Apple Pie members. Even the Milky Way can be seen with the naked eye.

Stargazing from the dormitory rooftop is also a humbling, reflective and tranquil experience. But it’s also a chance to take a break from the daily routine with peers and friends. And something about the night sky encourages everyone to open up to others and share their stories. Others enjoy busking under the stars.

To ensure that everyone in the KMLA Family follows the government’s COVID-19 guidelines, the number of stargazing events has been reduced greatly. But whenever they are held, students carefully follow all rules, like social distancing, mask-wearing, and hand sanitizing after using the telescope.

24th wavers
Jin Choi & Kim Haein
800 Bongwha-ro, Anheung-myeon, Hoengseong-gun, Gangwon-do 25268, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82-33-343-1115  /  Fax: +82-33-342-8660

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