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How KMLA Students Use Facebook

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comment 0 view 10,960 작성일 21-07-14 19:07


Facebook is the most widely used platform at KMLA to post notifications from our teachers. And for students to share information, for which there are 4 main groups.

First, there’s the main notice group. Posts here contain essential information, news and updates, and are meant for every student, regardless of grade level, so everyone pays close attention to messages uploaded here. During remote classes last year because of COVID-19, the group played an invaluable role in ensuring students were kept abreast of important announcements.

Second, there’s a trading group, where students can upload posts on items they hope to buy or sell. If someone is interested, they can leave a comment or personally contact the uploader. Rather than using money, most students barter by exchanging snacks or other items. Because students are required to stay on campus (especially to comply with COVID-19 prevention guidelines), the trading group allows students to get their desired items much faster than ordering them online.

Third, there’s a lost-and-found group. Students upload photos with items found on campus, or post a message if they lose something. Since KMLA has such a large campus, this system helps unite students with their belongings quickly and efficiently.

Lastly, there’s a group for each wave. Less formal than the above, students post information relevant to their specific grade level in this group.

25th waver,
Minju Koo
800 Bongwha-ro, Anheung-myeon, Hoengseong-gun, Gangwon-do 25268, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82-33-343-1115  /  Fax: +82-33-342-8660

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